
Facebook Plays a Game of Chess with Apple

M Dorsett - Communications Doctor Chibur


Ever have one of those mornings? Where you wake up to “breaking news.” Last month I had one. Facebook released messenger integration for websites, calling it Customer Chat Plugin. Discussion groups I belong to went wild discussing the impact. Even Product Hunt sent their daily email that day with the headline, “Facebook pivots into the enterprise.”


Needless to say I was a little shocked. Messaging, the ability for brands to communicate with consumers via text, and Messenger, the app for messaging exclusively via Facebook, has been available for brands to deploy on websites for awhile. Nothing seemed really new with this announcement except that you had to sign up on a waitlist. It’s like when a new nightclub makes you wait in line even when it’s empty inside.


I’m going on the record and saying I truly appreciate this latest marketing effort. This is certainly another another milestone in the story that Facebook has been telling since they rattled and accelerated the rate of development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) forever post A.F8 2016. But will enterprises take advantage?

I’ve paired my assessment of the situation with some chess related quotes, as this is certainly one fine game we’re witnessing.

Play the opening like a book, the middle game like a magician, and the endgame like a machine. — Spielmann

This is what I see. Facebook seems to be — no pun intended — facing off with Apple. Apple is the wise old couple on the block. Earlier this year they announced iMessage for business. Facebook, are the kids who keep throwing a ball in their yard.

Everyone grab your popcorn. It’s like a scene straight out of “Neighbors”. This announcement from Facebook feels like a clap back. Notable enterprise brands for my life that went live on Customer Chat with messenger are KLM & AirFrance. I’m really looking forward to seeing which brands deploy in 2018 when iMessage Business Chat is rumored to launch.

“When you see a good move wait — look for a better one.” — Emanuel Lasker

Branding messenger integration as Customer Chat Plugin is a good move. When a small business integrates messenger on their website they will see immediate benefits. However Customer Chat Plugin, despite its name, is not a plug and play option for enterprise brands. Facebook has not solved the scalability of Messenger. In order for an enterprise to integrate conversational commerce into their digital engagement strategy, they will need to have a backend solution that allows for messages to be handled at mass.

Now you may be wondering why I say that is needed when a bot can handle messages at scale? The reality is bots are not able to answer all questions. The human touch will still be required. Humans need to: oversee bot conversations, be available for escalations, handle specific customer journeys, and, most importantly, take the nuggets that the bot couldn’t handle and train it how to — improving its intelligence.

In addition, Founder and CEO of Agent IQ Craig Davis makes a valid point when it comes to scalability. Conversations with consumers happen on many different channels. “Using a platform with closed loop AI brings more efficiency to the large customer service organizations that were serving.” Whether or not the conversation comes in from Messenger or another messaging channel “the AI gets smarter, turns around and applies that knowledge automatically to the other channels.”

“The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.” — Tartakover

Staying true to it’s millennial spirit, Facebook didn’t wait for a conference to roll out the plugin. They just built it and released it. They can do that when they have Apple users, android users, and let’s not forget WhatsApp, which also plans to monetize the messaging application for businesses in 2018. Investors of Facebook should be feeling pretty good. Facebook is testing a mass chat tool that looks exciting, it just announced Direct another stand alone messaging app, and four out of the top five apps that are downloaded in the world fall under the Facebook umbrella.

Check Mate.

The fifth most downloaded app on that list is snapchat. Making all the top apps that are downloaded in the world messaging apps. 54% of consumers today prefer to connect on platforms like Messenger vs email phone or online chat, but majority of enterprise brands do not offer it. What it boils down to at this point in history is any brands that that implement a conversational commerce option is a good thing for Apple. Regardless of the platform that is used on the brands end, the consumer will be communicating from their device of choice. Apple produces devices. Facebook does not.


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WARNING: Your phone may be controlling you.

By: M Dorsett

Have you ever picked up your phone and not remembered why? In this day and age we are constantly connected to our devices. This article by Forbes highlights 6 of the impacts on a humans mental health caused by social media. Despite what the research shows, U.S. consumers are spending more time on mobile phones. A 20% increase year over year on mobile apps alone.

Speaking from my own personal perspective, it’s hard to disconnect from my phone. It brings me so much joy. An entertaining twitter feed following Liz Bertrelli’s ordeal had 1500 retweets in less than 24 hours. At least I know I’m not the only one who goes into a full blown panic when my phone isn’t within reach!

I’ve been struggling with this recently. I’ve also taken actions to change. Hopefully after you finish reading this you will feel inspired to put your phone down and stop and smell the roses of life. I’ve paired this light reading material with a song that I think goes perfectly. By the time its over, you should have read the 3 tips below.

1. Turn off notifications.

You‘ve heard this one before. So many benefits to doing this. This tip was actually given to me as a piece of feedback from David Pierre Louis, a mentor of mine.

He called me out a few years ago. He noticed I was very involved with my phone. His exact quote I believe was, “I wasn’t present.” Embarrassed, I took his advice and turned off all non-life urgent or life-affecting notifications. Yes Instagram that includes you.

Apple doesn’t make this process easy. It’s like they want you on your phone all the time. 🤓Crazy. You have to go into each application and manually adjust each notification! For every app. I have 205. It took me three hours.


The effort has made all the difference. I used to feel like my phone controlled me. Kind of like my dog. She barks and I run to her. Worried about her need. When my phone would ding, I’d pick it up. Whatever was happening in front of me didn’t matter.

But it gets worse. Once I’d tended to my phone’s notification, I’d click into Instagram “real quick”. Then all of a sudden I’m checking my stocks. 5 hours later I’m plotting how I can reach out to this cool artist I found on Spotify. There went my entire day. I mean I’m slightly exaggerating here, but the point is now I have taken control.

During the day I rarely pay attention to my text messages. Sorry friends! I pick up my phone when I want to. When I think of a reason to use it, not when it beckons me.

Now I’ve had to learn to ignore the red bubble. It took time. You can do it! Join me, take control of your phone don’t let it control you. I’m starting my first “internet challenge!” I challenge you to turn off notifications on your top used social apps. Please write back. Let me know how it works out.

2. Give feedback.

Write that review on the App Store. Reach out on social media to brands. Let them know what you want. In a nice constructive feedback type of way of course. Also tell them what you love about their products. People every day are working hard to bring new technology to us to make our lives easier. They’re dedicating their lives to this mission. Me being one of them!

Know that your feedback is important. User experience design is best executed when done in tandem with the actual user. KIT, the best app on the market today for streamlining and scaling your marketing efforts, is an excellent example of this.

KIT gives every entrepreneur back what they need the most; time. It was created by Michael Perry in 2013. Before bots were the buzz. Shopify smartly scooped them up last year. Perry has said, “let your users drive your next app updates”.

I have multiple instances where I have suggested feedback and seen it implemented. Although it does take time the changes do happen. Lots of brands out there are listening to us. The ones that are not will ultimately fail.

3. Make your devices work for you.

The power of the devices that we hold right in our hands is great. Use it to your advantage. Shout out to Apple for the ear buds. I’m saving up for mine. Even though they are a knock off.  Basically they’re an elevated jawbone. Reality is we live in a tech eat tech world and timing is everything.

Five years ago it might be considered very odd to talk to your phone. Ten years ago, culturally, it was completely unacceptable to be on your phone in public spaces. These days it’s totally normal. So put Google and Siri to work! People may stare but eventually it will become the new normal. Plus, we all know that our generation loves attention anyway.

Thank you advance for doing this.

Let’s face it, Siri is not the sharpest tool in the shed. I mean he, yes I changed mine to an Australian man, is better then nothing. The more people using the artificial intelligence powering Siri is the only way he will get smarter. I’m also starting a rumor that using voice to type saves battery life. Makes sense because it’s way faster to talk then to type.

I hope these are helpful to you. If you have any tips and tricks to share please do in the comments.